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Looking back to when Los Angeles and the South Bay was nothing but rolling hills and dunes—throwing back to rediscover the places you know and love to learn about the dense history and famous historical figures behind them.

The Hill House: The Early History of Hermosa Beach

By 1903, Hermosa Beach consisted of five homes, the first one built known as Hill House and owned by the Hiss family. Hill House was similar to most homes built during this time period in that they were wood-frame structures built solely for eating, sleeping, and staying warm during the cold, wet winters by the sea.
la mar theater, manhattan beach,

La Mar Theater: Manhattan Beach’s Favorite Theater

The intersection of Manhattan Avenue and Manhattan Beach Boulevard has been the focal point of activity in Manhattan Beach since the city’s inception. In the late 1930s it got a little busier with the La Mar Theater.
point vicente lighthouse, lighthouse, light house, palos verdes peninsula, rancho palos verdes, rpv,

The Point Vicente Lighthouse—Bright Historic Beacon

Before lighthouses were installed along the Pacific Coast, shipmasters took their chances near the coastline, particularly loathing the dangerous stretch of coastal waters along the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

The Bijou Theater: A Hermosa Classic

We take our limitless entertainment choices for granted, ranging from countless movie theatres with 3-D special effects, to DVDs delivered to our door so we can watch movies in the comfort of our own home.