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Academy Museum of Motion Pictures: Exploring Film

From its inception in 1927, the Academy has had the ambition to create a museum to tell the story of cinema. Starting with just 36 members, the organization today comprises more than 10,000 accomplished individuals working in the industry.
Pasadena’s Holiday Look In Home Tour Returns

Pasadena’s Holiday Look In Home Tour Returns

Festive floral designs, live music, and an arts and crafts boutique are just some of the flourishes one can anticipate from Pasadena Symphony Association’s 52nd annual installment of the Holiday Look In Home Tour—

Snoop Home Tour 2018

More than 40 years ago, Manhattan Beach resident Debbie Walmer attended a seminar to brainstorm fund-raising ideas for the American Martyrs Parent Association. A lover of homes, she suggested a tour of some of the area’s standout properties.

The Last Bookstore: a Reading Refuge

Now California’s largest operator of new and used books, along with vinyl records, the Last Bookstore runs a brisk but selective buy-sell-trade business.