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Obviously, Obvious Adams

Let me introduce you to one of the finest marketing tales ever told about a simple yet successful businessman from the advertising industry – a

Pardon My Interruption

Advertising today is all about the interruption.Let me cut right to it and not mince any fine words here…interruption is rude, annoying, and destroying your

The Kinetic Theory of Marketing

Ever heard of it? Liar! (I just made it up.) But maybe the theory is real after all. When I’m looking for marketing inspiration, I

Dogme 95

It’s exactly what the marketing world needs today, a movement to eliminate and ban shiny new toy marketing and the buzzards who preach it. We’ll

Phantom Traffic Jams

A new and emerging problem for marketers – phantom traffic jams. What are they? And the traffic jams seem to be getting worse, as every

Business Jargon Generator

It’s the start of a new year my fine marketing muse friends, what do you say that we ease our way into our 2022 journey

2022 Marketing Resolutions

All right, kids, it’s a new year, and time for some new marketing resolutions. The funny thing about resolutions, most don’t stick around long enough


Consumption – different than acquisition. It’s less exciting. Even boring. Wondrous things may happen if we slow down the acquisition and invest more in consumption.

Faux Marketing

Ready to have some marketing fun? Alrighty then, let’s dive in. Below is a real quote on a real website that I’m sure you can

Writing a Hit Single

Ever wonder how hard it must be to write a hit single in the music business? For the people that pay the artists (record companies),