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Pub muse swim like an elephant

Swim Like An Elephant—What Does That Mean?

It might seem counter-intuitive, but did you know that elephants are excellent swimmers? Despite their size, elephants are untiring swimmers who move all four legs
marketer's love shiny new objects - written by Warren Dow

Marketers Love Shiny New Objects

And in today’s attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) marketing world, this just adds to the noise, confusion, and eroding the trust that consumers have with brands.
DIGS Magazine celebrates our 200th issue | South Bay DIGS & Westside DiGS

Reflecting Back on DIGS 200th Issue

Life Before DIGS I started my career in media in 1992 as an account executive at BAM magazine.  BAM was a free bi-weekly music magazine

Westside LA Q3 Market Trends

After much debate and discussion, it looks like the real estate market is slowing down. According to CoreLogic’s Home Price Index report for August, home