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How Do I Use This?

In a world where “everyone’s selling something,” I’m thinking we need to change the paradigm of selling entirely. But selling just ain’t the same as it used to be.

The Marketing Metaverse

Are you ready for the metaverse? The “metaverse” doesn’t exist today, but big tech’s quest for all things “digital/virtual” may expedite its arrival.

Share of Voice

Marketers love metrics and marketing speak. Share of voice (SOV) is an oldie but goodie. The share of voice metric was created to measure and compare a brand’s media spending against the total media spending of the brand’s category.

Opposites Attract

No doubt you’ve heard the saying “opposites attract.” The “opposites attract” concept was introduced by Robert Francis Winch in a journal article published in 1955 in the American Sociological Review titled, “The Theory of Complementary Needs in Mate-Selection: A Test of On Kind of Complementariness.”

The Sorry State of Sameness

I read an interesting marketing case study article recently (yes, that’s how I spend a lot of my spare time) and was enlightened by the results. It summarized a digital ad campaign using Google AdWords and broke the results data into two separate categories—branded keywords versus unbranded keywords.

Marketing Instruments

I still remember the day – the day that I decided that I wanted to learn how to play the guitar, it was back in the mid-seventies, and I was approaching my early teens.

The Fibonacci Sequence

I just discovered a marketing wormhole. And it’s a mind-blower. Have you ever heard of the Fibonacci numbers or sequence?


You know that feeling you get wearing your favorite pair of jeans? You know exactly how you’re going to feel when you put them on.

Digital Toll Roads

According to eMarketer, total worldwide digital ad spending will reach $455.30 billion this year. That’s a lot of dough and it’s expected to grow another 15% in 2022.

The OODA Loop

Developed by strategist and U.S. Air Force Colonel John Boyd, the OODA Loop is a military model designed to provide a foundation of rational thinking in high-risk, confusing, or chaotic situations.

The 3-Step Business Plan

A mega-valuable, dangerously simple, ingenious, user friendly, easy-to-implement, bulletproof breakthrough, 3-step plan that any business can use to kick-start and accelerate their success!