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digs, south bay digs, magazine, issue 71, September 27, 2013

South Bay Digs • September 27, 2013

Recently released industry data showed home prices increased for the 14th consecutive month. According to the latest S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index figures, the 20-city composite index remains strong, with home prices growing by 12.4% from July 2012 to July 2013. On the COVER this issue is gorgeous Louie Tomaro designed Moroccan style home located on a wonderful street in Manhattan Beach. Offered by Lauren Forbes | John Corrales, Coldwell Banker Previews International.
digs, south bay digs, magazine, issue 40, June 15, 2012

South Bay Digs • June 15, 2012

Some of my best summer vacations have been taking time off and staying home in the South Bay! This issue’s FRONT COVER HOME is a special opportunity to afford the Ultimate California Dream in South Hermosa Beach. Offered by Darren Pujalet of Shorewood Realtors.