Harmony Yoga: Strike a Pose

Harmony Yoga Where Slow Breathing & Deep Stretching Make for a Mindful Break From Today’s Busy World

What follows is a leisurely series of stretches, many seated and some held for five minutes—enough time to lengthen connective tissue and feel the body unfurl from a week spent hunched over a computer or a steering wheel.

Yin Yoga is a daydream of a class that’s ideal for those recuperating from illness or injury—or unaccustomed to the rigors of power yoga. Yet there’s plenty of benefit for athletic types keen to show their hamstrings some love in the form of the Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) or Pigeon Pose, which opens hard-to-reach hip flexor and rotator muscles, where resentment and other ill feelings tend to harbor. Class instructor Kitty Adams guides the group to breathe in deeply, and with the whoosh of an exhale, wipe their slates clean.

Yin Yoga Class
Sundays, 6:00-7:30 pm

Harmony Yoga

901A N Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite #100
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
310.379.6905  |  HarmonyYoga.com

Illustration by Jay Brockman

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