There are currently 606 active single-family homes for sale on the Westside Market of Los Angeles, (as defined by the areas listed below.) Looking for a home at $1 million or under – you have a total of (5) homes to choose from. Over $5 million?
You’ll get to choose from 222 homes that are currently listed over $5 million. At the top end, you will find a total of (12) homes listed at over $25 million. Average prices per square feet range from a low of $391.67 to a high of $9516.57, with an average of $1556.74 per square foot.
A total of $2,083,251,922 worth of single-family homes have been sold at an average price of $3,301,509 in the areas listed below so far this year with 631 total transactions.
Current Westside Market Snapshot | All 9 Areas – Single Family Residences Active & Sold Data [CLICK TO DOWNLOAD]

Photography by Paul Jonason